Saturday, December 4, 2010
ένα γράμμα μια ιστορία....
These come from the educational broadcasting website of the Ministry of Education in Greece that you can find here.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
What I'm using in 1st grade
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Alphabet Sounds

Monday, August 30, 2010
Digital Dialects games and flashcards
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Art of Ancient Greece...Pots

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Letter blocks

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Great new Kindergarten Resource

My husband came home tonight with the greatest gift ever... this book (yes, he thinks I'm strange too, but he does indulge my weakness for books!) I spent the evening looking at it and have so many ideas for the next school year.
The book is broken down into 52 chapters with 52 themes. Although it is a translation from what I am assuming to be an English language book (the author is Barbara Backer), it has been well done. Just look at this song that is in the book under the chapter regarding oral hygiene:
Loosely translated:
Friday, July 2, 2010
Greek Bingo Cards

Visit Bingo Cards Creator to make
Greek Alphabet bingo cards.
This great site allows you to make boards for
upper and lower case Greek letters.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
A fun variation of bingo that can be played at home or in class. Templates can be found at the Prasini Priza website.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Lots of reading going on around here!
Look what happens when you take the TV and put it in the garage. I love the house without that constant background noise of Spongebob and Elmo. So peaceful and relaxing.
Happy Reading
Friday, April 16, 2010
and the winner is....

Thursday, April 15, 2010
μήλο μου κόκκινο
Μήλο μου κόκκινο, ρόιδο βαμμένο (x2)
Γιατί με μάρανες το πικραμένο
Παένω κ’ έρχομαι μα δεν βρίσκω (x2)
Βρίσκω την πόρτα σου μανταλομένη
Τα παραθυρούδια σου φεγγοβολούνε (x2)
Ρωτάω την πόρτα σου, που πάει η κυρά σου
Κυρά μ’ δεν είναι ‘δώ, πάησε στην βρύση (x2)
Πάησε να βρει νερό και να γεμίσει
My red apple, my scarlet pomegranate,
why have you made me wilted and bitter?
I come and go, but cannot find you
I try your door, and it's always locked.
Your windows are always lighted
I ask your door, "Where is your lady?"
"My lady is not here, she is at the wellspring
She's gone to bring water".
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Free Summer Greek Camp in Greece

As is done every summer there will be a free summer camp in Greece for children of Greek heritage living outside of Greece this summer.
Camp sessions will include
* Greek language lessons, Greek history and mythology
*Field trips to historical and archaeological sites, as well as to museums and other points of interest.
*Informative sessions on the environment (water the source of life and bees) and Mediterranean diet (olives and honey)
*instruction in Greek dance, music and theater
There will be two camp sessions: July 12-July 26th and August 9-August 23
All expenses including airfare, room, food, trips etc are covered
Qualification Requirements:
1. One parent must be of Greek decent.
2. Can only be between the ages of 8-12 (and not turn 12 during the trip)
3. Children must be comfortable and capable of being in a camp like setting
4. Children must not be related to a Greek government employee
Please contact Τμήμα Προγραμμάτων Φιλοξενίας at
210 2597549 or by fax at 210 2597571
for more information. (long distance phone call to Greece)
Monday, April 12, 2010
Μαθαίνω το αλφάβητο... Αα/ Learning the Greek alphabet Αα

Monday, April 5, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
¨Ηρθε ο Λάζαρος, ήρθαν τα Βάγια... Saturday of Lazarus

Πού ήσουν Λάζαρε; Πού ήσουν κρυμμένος;Κάτω στους νεκρούς στους πεθαμένους.Δε μου φέρνετε, λίγο νεράκι,που το στόμα μου πικρό φαρμάκι.Δε μου φέρνετε λίγο λεμόνι.που το στόμα μου, σαν περιβόλι.
Ήρθε ο Λάζαρος, ήρθαν τα Βάγια,ήρθε η Κυριακή που τρων’ τα ψάρια.Bάγια, Bάγια και Bαγιώ.τρώνε ψάρι και κολιό.Και την άλλη Κυριακή,τρώνε το ψητό τ’ αρνί.
Ήρθε ο Λάζαρος ήρθαν τα Βάγια,ήρθε η Κυριακή που τρων’ τα ψάρια.Σήκω Λάζαρε και μην κοιμάσαι,ήρθε η μάνα σου από την πόλη,σου ‘φερε χαρτί και κομπολόι.Γράψε Θόδωρε και συ Δημήτρη,
γράψε Λεμονιά και Κυπαρίσσι.Το κοφνάκι μου θέλει αυγά,κι η τσεπούλα μου θέλει λεφτά.Βάγια, Βάγια των Βαγιών,τρώνε ψάρι και κολιόκαι την άλλη Κυριακήτρώνε το παχύ τ’ αρνί.»
On the Saturday of Lazarus, the Saturday before Holy Week, women in Greece, and of Greek heritage around the world make cookies or small loaves of bread in the shape of a person and call them "Lazarous or Lazarakia" In various areas of Greece, children make Lazarus dolls out of fabric and tie them onto a stick decorating it with flowers and go around singing the Lazarus carols (like the one in the youtube video above). Many times in return, they receive eggs to paint red for Pascha.
Lazarakia recipe from Adventures of an Orthodox Mom
Monday, March 15, 2010
Greek alphabet activity game/pocket chart
I use this chart in class for any number of activities. As a class we pull words out and sound them out together. We also practice putting the words in alphabetical order. The children work independently by picking words and writing them in their word journals, and testing each other on what the words say.
The word strips used for this can be found at the Cypriot Ministry of Education and Culture site, where they were origianlly used as words for a letter neighborhood (the letter neighborhood is explained in their post, and has pictures to go along with the explanation so you can see how it was implemented in a classroom setting). Click on the link that says Καρτέλες λέξεων-γραμμάτων . For durability, laminate all the word strips and letters and place a piece of velcro on the back so they can easily be placed and removed from the yellow section of the chart.
The letter pocket chart can be found at Discount School Supply. Simply print out the Greek alphabet and glue it over the English letters. In the photo above, vowels and consonants were printed out in different colors (red for vowels and blue for consonants just like they do at American school), and laminated before being pasted onto the chart.
If you would like more pictures for your chart, print out this wonderful resource, Η Αλφαβήτα Ταξιδεύει from Ε.ΔΙΑ.Μ.ΜΕ.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Twister anyone?
Not too long ago, I attended an early childhood educator conference where I took part in a session called "make and take". For those of you who are not familiar with this, basically, there were a couple of presenters who showed us how they take everyday items and make them into effective teaching tools. At that time, I was struggling with how to teach my Greek school class in such a way that the children would learn and have fun at the same time. I searched the internet for items to bring into my class, but really could not find any. My point in all this is to tell you something that the presenter said that really changed things for me. She said, there are teachers who buy things to use in their class, and then there are teachers who use the things around them and create things to help their children learn. Wow! That was so liberating. Yes, I could create things out of nothing and make them effective learning tools.
So, as I was cleaning out my children's game cabinet, I came upon a "Twister" mat with no spinner (my children have an abnormal fascination with game spinners). As I was about to put it into the recycling bin, I counted the circles...hhmmm...24 circles and then it hit me, I could repurpose this into a Greek alphabet game. So I drew out the letters of the alphabet on each circle, and the rest is history. My students enjoy this so much, my kids ask me to bring it home so they can play with it, and the best part is, they are learning their letters in the process. Not only that, but it teaches them left from right and body parts!
It is easy to make... find a "Twister" mat and with permanent markers draw a letter in each circle. If you do not have a mat, simply go to the dollar store and purchase a plain shower curtain. Lay it out on the floor, use a dish or bowl to make 24 circles and then draw the letters in the circles. Voila.. a useful game that cost you a buck!
To play, simply call out the letter sound, or a word that begins with a certain letter sound, tell the kids to place either their left or right foot on the letter circle you called out and have fun!
I have also used this as a matching game for upper case and lower case letters. If you put capital letters on your mat, print out or write out the lower case letters on index cards, and have the children take turns matching the letters.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
25η Μαρτίου- Ο Ευαγγελισμός της Θεοτόκου/Annunciation
From the Orthodox Church in America,
an icon coloring page of the Annunciation
Κοντάκιον Ευαγγελισμού
A nice article in Greek from the March 2010 issue of Προς τήν Νίκην that draws comparisons between the Greek National Anthem and the Kontakion of the Annunciation.
Another article from Προς τήν Νίκην in Greek explaining the icon of the Annunciation.
From the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, a detailed explanation in English
Greek vocabulary words to associate with the icon:
Monday, March 1, 2010
Kindergarten Curriculum- Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα Νηπιαγωγείου

In response to the need for a uniform course study for the kindergarten classes of the parochial day schools, the Direct Archdiocesan District Office of Education recently created a Curriculum for the Kindergarten to assist the teachers who teach Greek as second language to children of this age group.
Based on the developmental needs and the learning abilities of the kindergarten child, the Kindergarten Curriculum places an emphasis on oral communication and, at the same time, aims at instilling in the young learners a sense of pride, love and respect for the Greek cultural heritage and the Greek Orthodox faith.
The Kindergarten Curriculum is divided into 13 units, one of which refers to major religious holidays and customs. Each unit consists of the following: the general goal, the objective of each lesson, recommended activities and materials, basic vocabulary, phrases for oral communication practice, and a vast list of resources (songs, poems, stories, and games) to help teachers introduce each unit.
Teachers are advised to use the Curriculum as a “guide.” They may adapt it to the particular needs and abilities of their students and use various resources to achieve the general goal and the learning objectives of each lesson.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
25η Μαρτίου - Greek Independence Day

From various resources of poems, songs and skits.
From Prasini Priza, some more activities, including coloring pages and more.
From Crayola, coloring page of a flag of Greece along with a map in English.
Portraits of heroes, paintings and images from
Projects from
From Proodosperida, Worksheets (scroll to the last few pages for some cute projects) and more here.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Swallows are coming - Τα Χελιδονίσματα
Coloring page of a χελιδόνι
Spring carols from various parts of Greece and background information on March 1st from Matia
From Paidika, make a χελιδόνι mask
From the Τετράδιο Εργασίων Μελέτη Περιβάλλοντος Α' Δημοτικου print out page 41 for a handout and craft idea for celebrating Τα Χελιδονίσματα
From the Ανθολόγιο Λογοτεχνικών Κείμενων Α' & Β' Δημοτικού, pages 141-142 for a cute handout.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Clean Monday- Lady Lent

Friday, February 5, 2010
Καθαρά Δευτέρα-Κυρά Σαρακοστή

From Matia, some background on the tradition of kite flying on Clean Monday (χαρταετός)
From Astropeleki, images of children flying kites and classroom display of Κυρά Σαρακοστή
From the Διαβάζω και γράφω series, a handout (page 51)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Τα Ελληνόπουλα της ξενιτιάς
Από τη ζωή των Ελλήνων στην Αυστραλία (Australia)
Από τη ζωή των Ελλήνων στην Αμερική (United States)
Από τη ζωή των Ελλήνων στο Βέλγιο και στην Ολλανδία (Belgium/Holland)
Από τη ζωή των Ελλήνων στον Καναδά (Canada)
Από τη ζωή των Ελλήνων στη Μεγάλη Βρετανία (Great Britain)
Από τη ζωή των Ελλήνων στη Μαύρη Θάλασσα (Black Sea)
Aπό τη ζωή των Ελλήνων στην Αργεντινή (Argentina)
Από τη ζωή των Ελλήνων στην Ν. Αφρική (South Africa)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Passport please
Γεωγραφία Ε' Δημοτικού Μαθαίνω για την Ελλάδα
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Alphabet Work in class
Monday, January 11, 2010
Στο Ζωολογικό Πάρκο...At the Zoo

From Sparklebox, print out animal masks to use in class, or for fun here.
From the Μαργαρίτα book series a unit on the Zoo here.
From Alphabet Soup, zoo animal coloring pages here.
From ESLjunction, animal images (can be used as flash cards, just remove english text) here
From Dover Publications, some cute zoo animals here
From Printables4Kids, print out this two copies of this zoo printable, color in the pictures and cut out. Use for a memory game.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Τα παιδια ζωγραφίζουν στον τοίχο
For the students in my Greek school class. Please practice this song for the Three Hierarchs Program on January 24th.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Σήμερα τα Φώτα....
Σήμερα τα φώτα και οι φωτισμοί, Κι χαρές μεγάλες κι αγιασμοί. Κάτω στον Ιορδάνη τον ποταμό κάθετ' η κυρά μας η Παναγιά. Καλημέρα! Καλησπέρα! Καλή σου μέρα αφέντη με την κυρά! Όργανo βαστάει, κερί κρατεί και τον Αϊ-Γιάννη παρακαλεί. Άϊ-Γιάννη αφέντη και βαπτιστή βάπτισε κι εμένα Θεού παιδί. Ν' ανεβώ επάνω στους ουρανούς να μαζέψω ρόδα και λίβανούς Καλημέρα! Καλησπέρα! Καλή σου μέρα αφέντη με την κυρά!